I put together a free blueprint symbols pdf for you because it's something people keep asking for . It includes all the symbols that are on this website in one easy to print out pdf:
Sign up now and I'll send it over to you.
Your pdf includes all these groups of symbols. There's more detail below.
I’m always interested to hear feedback on your blueprint symbols pdf. Is there anything missing? Which ones do you find the most useful? Are there any new trends in household systems that we should be checking in our blueprints? Please contact me and let me know.
Please remember though that not all of the blueprint symbols are standardised, so you might see a different version of a wall mounted light somewhere – I had to pick one of them!
If you know others who would find the pdf useful then please encourage them to sign up rather than just forwarding it. Everyone on the email list receives updates to the pdf when I make them. If they're on the list they'll always be up to date with their blueprint symbols.