Layout Design

The layout design stage in the home project playbook is all about designing the layout of your floor plan, including all your furniture and fixtures and your elevations (the appearance of each side of your home from the outside).

Do you remember back at the start of the design phase we talked about the design process as an iterative exercise in synthesis?  In plain English this is the process of taking the decisions you've made during concept design and the rest of the information in your design brief and in order to determine the layout of your rooms and facades.

During your layout design process your or your designer will try several different ideas and solutions before you settle on something that you're happy with.


What you'll need for your layout design

You'll need these inputs from your preparation phase:

You'll need these inputs from your concept design:

  • Your bubble diagrams
  • Your parti (shape, form and rough idea of organization of spaces)
  • Your ideas on aesthetic style and materials

Another important input for this phase is the room schedule.  The room schedule is a key resource that gives recommendations on dimensions for rooms and their orientation.

Add download room schedule button. - File is called room list I think.

Maybe change 'master' to 'primary'.

Need to put metric in

Some rooms like your kitchen and bathroom and to some extent your laundry have really important clearances to observe between the fixtures, clearances are also important for other rooms such as bedrooms, living rooms and work spaces.  Here are the links to the clearances you'll need to observe for each room.

Understanding floor plans and how to draw them

Some of you may be entrusting your design process to a design professional, others of you may be designing your own home. 

Either way, it's useful to understand floor plans, and if you're interested in having input into your design, to know how to draw them.

Floor plan basics

A good starting point to learning about floor plans is to first learn how to read floor plans.

Slow Home have a few videos which are a great starting point to remind you what a floor plans is and you want to go over some of the conventions that are used.

Drawing to Scale

It's important also to learn to draw to scale.  You can use floor plan software or paper.  My preference is to use layout or tracing paper on top of the floor plan of an existing home or on top of squared paper.

If you're looking for squared paper, try using 1/4 inch squared paper or 1/4 inch dot paper and let one square equal one or two feet depending on the size of your home.  Or take a look at graph paper on the supplies page.

I have also recommended some architectural scales over on the supplies page.

Here's a couple of videos on understanding scale and using an architects' scale.

Using a template

I hope that you've already downloaded your floor plan symbols.  Or you can buy templates to trace.

Here's a video on how to use them.

Creating your layout design

Experimenting with floor plan ideas

The name of the game here is to experiment with your layout design.

Do your sketches to scale, but it doesn't need to be 100% accurate.  Start by drawing to scale roughly just to get a sense of scale.  You can refine things down to exact dimensions as you progress through the drawing sequence of layout design.

Don't forget there's lots of advice and layouts for individual rooms available on the main site.  You can use the menu or the Room Design page to find each room.

There's no right or wrong way to design.  Here's some steps you can follow to help you.

  1. Use paper and pencil (or pen) at this stage.  Use tracing or layout paper liberally.
  2. Do your sketches to scale, but it doesn't need to be 100% accurate for now.
  3. If you're designing a completely new home, it's best to start with an exterior shape that's in line with your parti, eg a rectangle or an L-shaped house and with a floor area that's in line with your budget.  You can add features like bay windows if you're planning on them.
  4. If you're remodeling you'll already have the shape of your existing home, plus the rough size and shape of any addition you're planning.  Get a plan of your existing home printed out to scale and use layout paper to design over the top of it.
  5. First draw in where the structural elements are going to be.  Are you using a post and beam system or will you have structural walls?  These structural elements can't be moved.
  6. Make sure that vertical elements are in line with each other, eg stairs, chimneys.
  7. Arrange your spaces within the shell and structure as per your bubble diagram, pushing the design a bit further by marking the location of the walls, circulation spaces, doors, windows and built in elements such as storage, fireplaces and the kitchen layout.  Furniture layout is also important.
  8. Include space for plumbing walls and HVAC ducting (vertical and horizontal). 
  9. Some people find cutting out templates of the spaces and arranging them within the shell can be useful.  Just don't forget about circulation space as well.
  10. Remember that rooms don't have to be rectangular, in fact using notches and wing walls to define spaces and incorporate storage spaces will make your rooms more interesting.
  11. Write down the names of the rooms and dimensions of your spaces as you go if you like.
  12. In general, try and stay away from 45 degree layouts, particularly if you're aiming for an efficient use of space.  45 degree angles make spaces awkward to furnish and door swings can become an issue.
  13. If you notice any areas where things might get tight and you're worried that your spaces won't fit into your shell, grab your calculator and work out what the situation is including wall thicknesses.  If it's too tight, find another arrangement.
  14. Remember to save all your ideas as you go.
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Don't forget...

All the while that you're designing, there are some things to keep in the back of your mind...

  • The structure of your home.  Keep clear in your mind which elements of your home will be structural.
  • Keep clear in your mind what elements need to correspond on different floors, eg stairs, fireplaces and chimneys and stacking plumbing where possible. 
  • Play with the location and configuration of your stairs and see what the impact is on your floor plan.  Sometimes the best way to solve a problem with another space is to look at your stairs.
  • If you're building more than one story remember that if you increase the square footage of the lower floor, that leads to increases in the foundation and in other higher floors which substantially increases the costs way beyond just a few square feet on one floor.
  • Your roof line - if you stick to a shell with a simple shape, your roof line will be elegant and simple and cost efficient to build.  If the shape of your floor plan becomes complex, so does your roof line and you'll be in ugly roof McMansion territory.
  • Your elevations.  When you're placing windows think of what they will look like from both the inside and outside of your home.  The page on window placement is worth a read.
  • Think about your ceilings.  What are your plans for your ceilings?  Draw in any relevant detail on the floor plan.

Here's the progression from bubble diagram to floor plan sketch...

layout design bubble diagram
layout design floor plan sketch

This video from 30 x 40 shows how layout design progresses from rough shapes to well defined spaces.

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Tips for remodeling

Here are a few tips to bear in mind when you're remodeling that might help you find a design solution to use your current space better.

  • Removing the fireplace and chimney for all floors is not as expensive or big a job as you might imagine.  Check with your builder or QS to get an estimate on costs.
  • Moving the stairs is a big job and has huge repercussions on the design of all the space in your home.
  • Keeping window openings in their current position is a great strategy to save money.  Remember that you can turn a window into a door, or lower the sill of a window without making a mess of your walls.
  • If you have supporting walls that you want to remove that will need beams to support the weight above, discuss with your builder how these beams will appear in the ceiling.  Ask whether or not it's possible to conceal the beams in the ceiling and if so if there's any cost difference in having concealed beams or beams that are boxed in below the ceiling line.

Resources for layout design

I have been searching out resources for floor plan layouts pretty much since the internet became a thing.

In this resources section (just below) I'm sharing with you the resources that I have painstakingly curated and collected over many years.  They are from architects and designers that are kind enough to share their knowledge.  I highly recommend taking the time to view these resources.  You'll learn a lot and will likely come away with some ideas.

Get ready with your screen shot tool so that you can save any ideas that you like.  Remember that even if you're designing a large home, you might still get an idea from a small apartment.

Slow Home Studio

The Slow Home videos aren't terribly well organized on their website so I've put together a little playlist for you here.  These were made quite some time ago so they quality isn't great, but the quality of information in them is top notch.

1400 sqft townhouse

1300 sqft townhouse

Calgary apartment

Pennsylvania home

Texas home

2700 sqft home

2400 sqft home

Optimise Home

Optimise Home is an architecture practice in Ireland and they did a great series called 'Lessons in Layout' which show how they've adjusted and added space for their clients.

You get to take a behind the scenes look at their design process and see how their architects at work with pen and paper.

The music gets irritating, but all the explanations are given as captions on the screen so you can watch them on mute.

Also remember that the codes are regulations are different in Ireland than in the US.

Plan Attack

Plan Attack is the brainchild of Matthew North - one half of the Slow Home Studio duo and founder of Housebrand in Canada.

I've put a few of his Instagram videos below which are effectively mini masterclasses in floor plan design.  He also puts some still images on his feed which are worth checking out.  Most of the real life case studies are apartments (I guess because a smaller space on a single floor fits better on Instagram)

I've put some of his videos below.  When you're watching the videos there's a few things I'd like you to look out for...

  • Take note of how Matthew often makes use of a template of a room or layout to experiment with where it should go.
  • Listen out for the way he's not at all a fan of 45 degree or diagonal layouts.

He's always adding to his feed so head on over to @matthew.north and have a look.

The app Matthew uses in his more recent videos is Morpholio Trace.

Never too small

I get lots of design inspiration when I look and think about the design of small spaces.

Never Too Small has a great You Tube channel.  The focus is on small apartments.  I find it to be a great source of ideas for designing flexible spaces.  For example, if you want your kid's room to be more than just a bedroom, or you want to have a guest room but don't want to build a dedicated room.

Here are some of my favorites.

Where to find house plans

There are several types of sites you can go to to see house plans which include a floor plan and elevation.  It's very worthwhile having a look at other floor plans and seeing what your opinion is. 

I get questions on what to do if you find a floor plan online that you really like.  While you mustn't copy another floor plan that you find online (which would infringe on copyright) there's nothing wrong with taking a little section of it where you think they layout is really clever and incorporating it into your design.  Usually the best results come when you understand what works well in the floor plan that you like and you use this knowledge as inspiration for your own situation rather than copying.

Architecture websites are a great place to start.  My favorites are...

  • Archdaily - I've filtered the results for residential architecture in the USA, but take a look at other countries as well.
  • Dezeen

Then there's any number of house plan sites and real estate sites that can also be a great place to hone your taste in house plans.

Understanding your elevations

Now that you have completed your floor plan design, it's time to draw your elevations to see how the exterior of your home will look.

A good place to start is to learn how to read elevations.

To draw your elevations, it's a question of using the information that's on your floor plan and adding information about the height of design elements like windows, doors and roof lines and showing other details that are on the exterior of your home.

How to draw an elevation

On the sketch below I've drawn two of the elevations - see how the walls and the windows line up with the floor plan?

layout design elevation sketch

Here's all the other elevations....

layout design elevation sketch to scale

And here's the projection lines...

layout design elevation projections

If you are planning to do all your own drawings, I recommend learning SketchUp Make as it's the only one that really gives you the flexibility you need.  Don't be put off if the landing page shows a piece of furniture - you can design a home as well.  You will need to upgrade to a pro account in order to use the 'layout' part of the package where you can add notes and dimensions.

There's a learning curve involved with SketchUp.  I recommend starting with the SketchUp Fundamentals Course provided by SketchUp.  I've done the fundamentals course while it doesn't focus on drawing buildings but it will teach you what you need to know. 

These are the videos that I found the most helpful for learning more about modeling buildings in SketchUp.  They are a few years old but still relevant.

Create a 3D model

At this stage you have your layouts and elevations worked out.

A great way of learning more about your home design is to create a 3D model.  If you're good at imagining your home in 3D from 2D drawings it might not be necessary, but if not, this can be an essential step to really get to know your design and really make sure it works - for example, do your stairs work!

You can build a 3D model physically, or most likely with software. 

3D model with software

If you’re buying a house plan, sometimes a 3D model will already be available, or real pictures or video of one of the home that’s already been built.

If you’re working with an architect you can talk to them about how easy and how much it would be to get a 3D model made of your design to help you visualize it.  There are some places popping up that use 3D printing to create architectural models.

If you’re designing your own floor plan, the chances are that you’re pretty au fait with your design already.  If you’ve used floor planning software (eg SketchUp) you may be able to get the images you need from there rather than asking a company to do the 3D modelling.


When  your floor plan and elevations are available, you'll use the Home Design Layout Checklist to go through your plans in a structured way to determine if you need to make any changes.


Similar to the checkpoint for your concept design, it's important to carry out a number of checks after your layout design is completed and before you progress on to your detailed design.

Since your design is now more detailed, there's more to check, particularly in terms of your layout.

If your design team has been working well together, then the items in this checkpoint will have been taken into account during your layout design process.  Sometimes though, something slips through the net and it's important to catch it now, when making changes is relatively cheap, than carrying a design that's got problems further forward.  The further forward you carry a problem, the harder it is to fix later on.  It's very likely to take you longer and cost you more.

Before you develop your design further, it's important that you're happy with it at this stage.  You don't want to spend more money and effort on developing a design that you're not fully happy with further.

Design review

No matter who is responsible for your home design, it's time to review it to make sure everything is as it should be.

  • If you're designing your new home you've put a lot of work in to getting your layout and elevations just as you want them.  You already know the layout of your new home like the back of your hand.  And yes - reviewing your own home design is still an important step to make sure you haven't missed anything out and there aren't any adjustments that you need to do.
  • If you're working with a design professional, they have used the information you have given them and taken your site into account to design your a new home.  They have sent you a set of floor plans, or perhaps they've worked on more than one layout for you to look at and give feedback on.
  • If you're buying a house plan, you're likely looking at several options and trying to decide which one is best for you and will suit your site.
  • Maybe you're trying to figure out which home is best to buy.

In order to do a good review of your floor plan layout and elevations, you need a structured set of criteria to do a good job of making sure you cover everything and are then in a position to give specific and targeted feedback.

That's where the Home Design Layout Checklist comes into play.  Download it from the link just below and it will guide you through a structured review of your floor plans and elevations.

button to download home design layout checklist

In addition to your Home Design Layout Checklist you'll need...

  • Your plans - see note below.
  • Your design brief

Format of floor plans and elevations

You may receive your floor plans and elevations on paper, or in digital format.


If you get your plans on paper, ask for two copies (or make a copy yourself).  You’ll be marking up one of the copies with any changes you want to make and keeping one as a reference copy.


If you are to get your plans in electronic form PDF is a good format to ask for.  If you plan to print them you may encounter a problem because architects tend to work on BIG sheets of paper which you won’t be able to print whole on a standard home printer.  Now, you can go along to your local print shop and get them printed or you could try printing sections as you need them.

Here’s some instructions on how to comment on your digital PDF floor plans.

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Do you have trouble reading and understanding floor plans?

If you’re not used to floor plans or find thinking spatially a bit tricky (many people do) then you could consider these alternatives to reading floor plans.

If you are working with an architect or design professional, ask them to spend some time with you to explain your plans.

In particular, a 3D model can really help give you a feel for the layout of the rooms.  These can be expensive to get done professionally but they can be really helpful to communicate the design. They can also be really helpful if you need to get the support of neighbors to get planning approval for your design.  If those involved in granting planning can quickly and easily visualize the project it takes away any uncertainty they may have about the way they’re interpreting the 2D plans.  3D modeling software will often be able to show how light will come into your new home at different times of day, and the shadows cast by your home.

Giving feedback

Giving feedback at each stage of the design process is really important.  It's your job to give feedback and it's your designer's job to take your feedback on board.

It’s really important that you keep a list of your comments so that you can make sure that they’ve all been dealt with the next time your review the plans.  It helps to number the comments so that you can easily identify each comment in your discussions.

Keep records of your comments and keep all the versions of your design that you iterate through.  You never know when you may want to return to an old version for some reason, or remind yourself of the reason for a change.

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The art of giving feedback

You have probably been in a situation at some stage in your life when you have been given feedback in a really cutting way.  How did it feel and how did it make you feel towards the person giving you the feedback in this way?

It's important that you get across everything that you want to say, and doing this in a respectful effective way where your comments will be heard is key.

One of the best ways of doing this is to concentrate on giving feedback about the plans rather than giving feedback about your designer.  One of the best ways of getting into the mode of depersonalizing your feedback is to avoid the use of 'you' or 'I' when you're giving your feedback.  This isn't the yes / no game where you lose if you say you or I, but just try and form the majority of your sentences without these words.

Of course, the more specific you can be about what you do and don't like, the better.  The Home Design Layout Checklist will help you with this.

Rather than, "I feel like you haven't even read the design brief." try "The plans have the right number of bedrooms and our new home is the size that we discussed.  There are a few things in the design brief that need dealing with.  Did you take a look at it?"

Rather than, "You didn't incorporate the window design I asked for." try "The window design concerns me, I'd like to understand the reasoning for the design on the plans."

It's fairly subtle but you get the idea - the feedback is all about the plans and not your designer.

Budget review

Now that you have a floor plan and elevations, you know much more detail about your new home so you're now in a position to put an accurate cost on how much it will cost to build.  There's no point progressing a design that you can't afford.

When your design is just lines on a page, it's relatively cheap to change it.

You can carry out a budget review before or after you've done your layout review below.  I just wanted to put it first because it's such an important checkpoint.

Your plans should have areas for each space.  You can use these areas to feed into any budget calculations that might be running on your project.

Have your builder or quantity surveyor review your design to check that it's still within budget.  Since the design of your home is now decided, this review should be in more detail, taking into account the real quantities of materials that will be needed to construct your home. 

Energy review

It's important to check that your design is in step with what you want to achieve with your home's energy efficiency. 

Work with whomever has the role of your energy consultant on your project to check at this stage that your home design is in line to comply with any energy standards that you want to achieve.

Construction review

If you have a builder on board, check with them that the construction of your new home is feasible and ask for them to point out anything in the design which makes the construction inefficient in any way.

Planning review

Once again, if there's any possibility that your design may be controversial from a planning perspective, check with your building department or have one of your team check on your behalf.

This may be important for heritage projects or avant-garde designs.

Building Code review

Checking against code is included in the home design checklist but it's important for me to call it out here.

If you are not familiar with the codes yourself, have someone check your drawings for adhering to code.


Completing your layout design is a project milestone, and as such may well be linked with a payment on your payment schedule with your design professional and perhaps any other professionals that you have working with you.

Make sure you are happy with the deliverables so far.  Only pay for them once you're happy.

home project playbook banner

The Playbook is a work in progress.  Anything without a link is coming soon.

Phase 1 - Project Preparation

Phase 2 - Design Preparation

Phase 3 - Design

Phase 4 -  Construction

Your Contractor / Builder

Your Contract

Building Your Home